Monday, August 11, 2008

This Raver Must Be On His Best Behavior

Sam F. Scott from Wellington indie legends Phoenix Foundation has just released his 2nd solo album with the Bunnies On Ponies, Straight Answer Machine, on Loop Recordings Aot(ear)oa. And what an album, full of songs similar to Phoenix Foundation, tho much less proggy and more understated, Pavement-esque in parts to these ears.
Much like his live band, Scott utilises some pretty well known Wellington indie types to good effect on this album, including Tom Watson and Craig Terris from Cassette, Julia Deans from Fur Patrol, Age Prior, as well as the co-production skills of Lee Prebble.
Stand out tunes include first single Llewellyn (featuring some tasty backwards guitar action), the ukulele led Black Mark, instrumental live fav Moist People (Tom Watson on trumpet!!!!!!), tho my personal favourite Raver On Probation, which features some very humourous lyrics from Sam, helped by Prebble and Prior.
Overall, a very good album, one that I would've fit into the Flying Nun catelogue in the mid 80s with no problems at all, and one that deserves to be heard far and wide. Hope fully he can carry his song writing purple patch from this and the last Phoenix Foundation album over to the next Phoenix Foundation album. If so, it will be a cracker! But until then, buy this album and crank it.

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