Saturday, August 9, 2008

One from the archives

So, I've not written on here for an age. Plenty of stuff to review, but I'm being a slack bastard (more stuff on the way soon, promise). And after getting a bollocking for not posting anything in ages (people check this thing regularly-shucks), I thought I'd dig back through the archives of old reviews I'd done. Not a large archive really, consisting as it does of this review, and only this review. BUT, there is a kinda funny story behind how I ended up reviewing The Mint Chicks in the late, lamented, Wellington gig guide The Package.
A good friend of mine was meant to do it, but right before it was due to be handed in, he had bugger all and emailed me for some help. I was at work and had 15 minutes to kill before quiting time, so it was head down, bum up and 15 minutes later I was clicking send. My friend liked what I'd written and submitted that to The Package under my name. What you are about to read is the un-editted version (The Package cut it down a bit, not too much, and sadly I no longer have a copy of that particular edition. Thankfully Spanky still had the email I sent him years after the fact, the gig taking place around April 2005. Cheers Spanky). Enjoy


Missed the very opening act due to my cocktail holding my attention longer than expected (sorry to whoever you were), so turned up in time to check out This Night Creeps. Equal parts punkrawk and freejazz, they warmed up the crowd just nicely with a violent display of geetar noise (how they didn't kill anyone with their gat swinging is a mystery). Totally worth checking out again.
With the crowd champing at the bit, it was time for The Mint Chicks to tear the Indigo audience a new arsehole. Jeez, how good are these blokes, haven't seen a band this energetic in a long long time, an energy level that was met and raised by the crowd, with an enthusiastic mosh pit up front. The band played a large selection from their album, F**k The Golden Youth, as well as occasionally ripping into some older stuff off their previous EPs. And how!!!!!! Kody, the singer, has such a stage presence, I'd personally like to anoint him the Roger Daltrey its OK to like, twirling the microphone within an inch of its life. After an awesome version of "F**k The Golden Youth", the Mint Chicks retreated back stage, only to receive one of the more enthusiastic calls for an encore I've heard in a while. The band returned to the stage, and after a main set that featured songs that remind this scribe of the Ramones and the Buzzcocks, The Mint Chicks belted out two Ramones covers (Blitzkrieg Bop & Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue) and a Buzzcocks cover (Even Fallen In Love). A couple more songs, a near beaning with a full water bottle (Cheers Kody), and it was all over. One of the best local gigs I've been to in a long time. Check these guys out next time they come to this city of ours (that goes for local lads This Night Creeps also).


So there you have it. Reading through it again, I'm happy with my first attempt at gig reviewing, tho I was in need of a fact checker, as This Night Creeps were not from Wellington (I believe they were from Hamilton). Sadly they are no longer with us, having broken up in 2006. I got to see them once more, again at Indigo (cannot remember if it had changed its name yet), again opening for The Mint Chicks, who were touring their 2nd album, the blindingly brilliant Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No! album (that was another sweet a gig too, might write about that one someday too?)

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