Saturday, June 11, 2011

Guess who's back

Hello kids,

In the past I have made various threats regarding how often I'm gonna be updating this blog, threats I've not followed through on. That, however is about to change. Today, I shall be posting the first in a series of posts, where I shall reveal to all and sundry my Top 10 albums of the first ten years of this century, the "Noughties," in descending fashion. Hence, we shall start with number 10 in the list:-

Mogwai - Rock Action (2001)

I dunno, I resisted their charms for quite some time. It wasn't until I heard some tunes from the Scottish post-rockers 2nd album, Come On Die Young, that these guys made sense to me. That albums slightly more desolate soundscapes hadn't left my stereo for a while, when one hungover Saturday, I popped into one of my favourite record stores, with the express purpose of picking up a recent Teenage Fanclub album (Howdy). I got chatting with guy I knew who worked there, who asked if I was in a rush and could he play me a few things. Sure, I said. I can't remember all of what he played me, but I do remember leaving with not only the Fannies album I'd intended on buying, but also this album, Rock Action, as well as "All We Lost In The Fire" by Low.
Now, as much as I loved "Come On Die Young," I wasn't prepared for the revelation I experienced when I hit play on the CD player at the record store that hungover Saturday. Opener "Sinewave" starts off small and just builds and builds, swellingly gorgeous. From the moment this song started, I knew this album was gonna be a different ride compared to their previous album, an impression confirmed by second track "Take Me Somewhere Nice." Hell, as well as strings, this song had singing. As far as I knew, they'd not tried that before. Two songs were all I needed, I had to own this record.
Over the next few months, this album replaced it predecessor on heavy rotation on my stereo. I raved to friends about how great it was, fuck, some of them even bought it and fell in love with the album as much as I had. Every listen was a pleasure. I especially dug Dial:Revenge, featuring vocals from Gryff Rhys of Welsh nutters Super Furry Animals. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong was another fav. But for me, the highlight of the album was its centre piece, You Don't Know Jesus. I could get lost in that song, it was so vast. Word of advice though, don't listen to this tune while sleep deprived and having just seen the film "Miracle Mile." Damn near had a freakout after attempting that one.
While the band themselves may not hold this album in such high regard and have made some fine albums since, this is the one I come back to.
Just majestic.

Stay tuned for number 9 in my top ten albums of the noughties, as well as my reviews of some recent albums and gigs (Warning : May contain excessive praise of one Mr Shane P Carter). Until then, take care and shit


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