Saturday, October 11, 2008

"For a singer, he's a good guitarist"

It was a Thursday, May 15th, and some mates and I headed up to the San Fran Bathhouse to sample to sonic pleasures of HDU and Bachelorette. We arrived at 10pm sharp, and were rather surprised to hear that Bachelorette had already started, it being rare for a gig in Wellington to start much before 11. Bachelorette is one lass, a guitar, some keyboards and backing tapes, with a very cool stage set up consisting of a whole bunch of old school computer monitors displaying graphics that looked like the lines on a heart monitor thingy, very much like the cover to Joy Divisions Unknown Pleasures album. The better songs were the ones that were more keyboard led, tho overall, I really enjoyed Bachelorette and will one day get around to checking out the 2(?) she's released so far on Arch Hill Recordings.
After a very short wait, High Dependency Unit made their way onto the stage and immediately set about slaying the crowd with a set that I would describe as epic, loud and awesome. Fans of the somewhat more aggressive side of HDU (songs such as El True East, Visionson, and Schalblute) were in for slim pickings tonite, as HDU concentrated on some of their longer, driftier songs (Lull, etc). Now while I love a good HDU style rave up as much as the next guy, in a live setting, I prefer it when HDU play the longer tunes that give them a chance to stretch out a little, especially when they get to play through a PA system that is up to the task, something that hasn't always been the case when HDU have played the Bathhouse. This time around it was perfect. The one aggressive tune we got, Stupormodel from new album Metamathics, was a nice change of pace, even if the band messed it up the first time and had to start it again. Highlight of the set for me was The Nation Grid and Irma Vep, played one after the other much like on the new album, amazing, powerful and as beautiful live as they are on record. It was pretty much over on the stroke of midnight, good to see bands realizing that some(most) of their fans actually have to get up in the morning for work. A great set by a band that doesn't get out nearly enough. Awesome!!!

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