Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's an awesome feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, it's Anzac Day and what better way to spend at least part of yr day off than to head over to Bar Bodega and sample some original music, which is what I did.
After checking out the slightly updated decor (Bodge is under new ownership), the first band, The Wind Ups, took the stage. These kids reminded me of the more discordant end of post-punk, with synths right out of Metal Box era PIL. Also it wouldn't surprise me much if they had listened to early Sonic Youth, it had that kinda vibe to it. Were they any good? I have to admit I'm still trying to work that one out. I honestly couldn't tell if they really couldn't play, or if they were just good musicians slumming it, trying to sound as grating as possible. That said, I heard enough that I'd be tempted to see them again, if only to make my mind up about them.
Disasteradio was next, and lived up to his usual high standards. His almost slightly cheesey brand of electronic pop had the crowd going from the outset and only continued to get better as he went on. More vocals than I'd seen him do previously, but I was kinda expecting that as one of his more recent vocals, Awesome Feeling, is very vocal heavy. As well as more vocals, the was also a screen showing video images relating to each song, some of which were worth the price of admission alone. A great set, reminding me that I should drag myself out to see him more often.
Cortina have been off the scene for a wee while now, with singer Bek having adventures in Europe. So as you can imagine, there was quite a large feeling of anticipation in the room before they got underway. For me, it was the excitement of not having seen them before and also wondering if they could top the amazing set from D-rad. Now they didn't quite deliver that, but were very cool none the less. If i had to describe the sound of Cortina, it would be Irony Metal. Confused? Let me explain. You see, they use a lot of bad metal cliches, but at the same time, subverting them into something a whole lot better. It cheesy as hell, and yet at the same time it isn't, y'know. Also, not afraid of the rediculous, they had a still drummer, who sat behind the drums, keeping perfectly still, occasionally holding the bass when Bek was playing keys. One song featured a rapper, who I believe may also do time in Coco Solid, but don't quote me on that.
A good evening of local music, and a great preparation for my adventures the following day(stay tuned of more details)

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