Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are they selling spiral scratches or aural pleasure?

So, I'm up early on the weekend yet again, tho this time didn't involve last minute present shopping. No, today is International Independent Record Store Day (or something like that) and to celebrate, Wellingtons best indie record store, Slow Boat Records, got Samuel Flynn Scott from The Phoenix Foundation to play some songs off the new album from his side project, Bunnys on Ponys. While having a butchers through the racks beforehand, I somehow managed to get interviewed by National Radio about record stores and why I love them so. Very cool, gonna be on later today I think. ( (I got to big up Wires 154 album, and Wonderland Records(RIP?) )
Bunnys on Ponys were very cool, kinda chuggy indie rock similar to the Phoenix Foundation, but removed a wee bit from their more proggy electronic elements. The band features Tom Watson (HLAH, Cassette, etc) on bass and Craig Terris (Cassette, Baconfoot, etc) on drums and some guys who I didn't catch the names of on guitars/keys and backing vocals, so yep, a bit of Wellington supergroup of sorts. They only played songs off their new record, due out on Wednesday, cos they only had time to rehearse songs off the new album, but going off what they played, I'll be picking it up when I see a copy. Like I said, the songs were very chuggy indie pop, with sweet vocal harmonies, and played in fashion that was just the right side of understated. There was also a cool instrumental track where Mr Watson played trumpet, which was a treat for those of us who were fans of HLAH way back in the day. That had a fair chunk of the crowd clapping along. And, on top of that, gigs in record stores are cool.
In my time on this rock we call the Earth, I've learned that there are people that you should always be good to. There's your parents, your barkeeper(if Tim Rogers says so, then by hokey it has to be true), your friends(most of the time anyways ;-p), etc, etc, etc. If someone hasn't already added it to the list, I'd like to add Record Store people to the list of people one must always be good to.

Oh, and before I go, GO TEAM WELLINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

pretty pictures on their record cover

There's nothing like last minute gift buying to empty yr wallet, and not necesarily on gifts for others (I bought stuff for other people too, but the whole stress of being up before midday on a weekend was too much dammit). So, I'm in a record store and while browsing, a shiny pink album cover catches my eye. What could this be? On closer inspection, I discover it's the new HDU album, Metamathics. Now, I don't know about you, but when I see a new HDU album, I don't usually leave the record store empty handed, a habit I didn't break on the weekend.
Now, the basics. Its on Shoot The Freak records, its 6 tracks long, one of which is Tunguska, which was released on an EP a while back, and Stupormodel, which was released last year on a split 7 inch with Die! Die! Die! and sounds like it too. Stupormodel is the opening track and is as aggresive as anything HDU have done before, a perfect album opener. Fur Patrols Julia Deans guests on Grace, her vocals blending in nicely with the ambient rock action being produced by our heroes. Also of note is the last track, Wish We Were Here (Floyd reference per chance?), which features a soft piano played over what sounds like a dying amplifier, which sounds a beautiful as you would expect. If I have any problems with this album, great as it is, we've kinda heard this all before for the most part from HDU, there's not a lot on the album that sounds out of left field. Now, while this still makes for a pleasurable listening experience, and will kick arse live, it would be nice if they had maybe tried some new tricks. That said, they did have the computer they were recording on die while making the album, so that could have been a contributing factor, as they are a band that view the studio almost like another instrument.
AND, they must read this blog, cos my prayers have been answered, HDU are touring in May, hitting San Fran Bath House on May 15th according to their myspace ( , where you can also give the album a listen, tho really you wanna run, not walk, to yr local record store once you've finished reading this and buy Metamathics, trust me, you'll thank me later.
Also saw the new Portishead video the other night, for a wee tune called MachineGun. First thing they've released in 10 years and my god its sweet, very drum heavy, quite a departure, tho the video looks like they've been watching those Radiohead webcasts. They have a new album coming out at the end of the month (28th April I believe), and I for one am very excited about that (tho not as excited about the Radiohead DVD coming out in June)